About Putputpotato

My name is actually Nathalie, but my friends call me Nana, so you are welcome to do that as well!

I am a 25 year old artist, attempting to establish myself in the industry and spread love and comfort among everyone I encounter. While I strive to shine light on mental health and discrimination and offer individuals who have to battle these topics a safe space and comfort, it is just as much my desire to remind people of the bright parts in life and redirect their focus on the small pleasures our world has to offer.

If you are curious about some of my other, non-commercial work, consider checking out my...

Couldn't find what you were looking for...?

...Then how about a commission?

Want your OC in a particular outfit? Your favourite ship giving each other a smooch? Maybe a character sheet for your own reference? Well, I can do that for you and more!

I am happy to draw quite a lot of thing, although I have my exceptions. If you are unsure about whether your request will cut the guidelines, please don't be scared to reach out and ask, I swear I don't judge anyone! Before hand please check out my official...


Send me a Commission Request!